Romeo and Juliet
On the 9th January 2019 the English teachers of our school took the classes of the second year to the Petrarca theatre to see the play “Romeo and Juliet”. The theatre was full of students and, when the lights turned off, it was all silent and everybody was ready to see the play, which was actually a musical. The actors sang and danced very well, they managed to show us Shakespeare’s tragedy with songs of these days, it was particular but at the same time amazing, because everyone found the scenes very interesting and everybody paid attention, even though some parts were really difficult to understand. I think that finding suitable music must have been pretty hard, they didn’t change any of the lyrics, so they had to find songs of these days that had the right lyrics for each scene! The person who did that work was very capable, because the show was very beautiful. At the end two actors came among students in the stalls area and they let us ask them questions about their lives and the show.
In the beautiful city of Verona, there were two families: the Montagues and the Capulets. They hated each other. They had hated each other for hundreds of years. Escalus, the prince of Verona couldn’t stand seeing them fight and decided to take measures: fighting each other was no longer allowed to the two families. Romeo, the son of lord Montague, met Juliet, the daughter of lord Capulet, and they fell in love, but their love had to be kept secret, otherwise their families would forbid them to meet again. Unluckily, as everybody knows, their story didn’t have a happy ending but, at least, they, with their death, were able to stop the war between the Montagues and the Capulets.